The eoSurgical team are delighted to announce that we have joined forces with Limbs & Things Ltd. Limbs & Things is a UK-based developer of task training and simulation training products for healthcare. Started by Margot Cooper in 1990, the vision was (and remains) to improve clinical education by providing repeatable, anatomically accurate, and cost-effective training solutions. Limbs & Things want students to become more competent and confident learners. This chimes exactly with our ethos at eoSurgical, making the union ideal.
The eoSurgical mission:
Evidence-based learning: eoSurgical provides evidence-based, accessible surgical skills simulation training to make surgery safer globally.
By Surgeons, For Surgeons: eoSurgical was conceived and developed by a team of three surgical registrars, who now work as consultants in tertiary surgical centres in the UK.
CPD and training: You're never too good to get better. Simulation is well established in training and has a growing role in continuous professional development.
Our entire team will now work within Limbs & Things. Hard work is going on behind the scenes to ensure a smooth transition and we are excited at the opportunities that this merger will bring. We’ll strive to further enhance the impact of our surgical simulators – beyond the 95 countries within which they are already in use and making a difference. Limbs & Things have offices in the US, Australia, and Europe and have international experience and knowledge. Becoming part of the Limbs & Things family is a fantastic development for both parties.
Mark Hughes
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Director, eoSurgical
Email: mark.hughes@eosurgical.com
Twitter: @eosurgical