Surgeons, empathy, and Shakespeare
by Mark Hughes
Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel,
King Lear Act III scene iii
Surgeons, amongst doctors in general, sometimes distance themselves f...
The power of gratitude in surgery
by Mark Hughes
Being a surgeon can be deeply rewarding. That reward is intimately connected with patient outcome: an operation completed without complication, ...
Global Surgery – how eoSurgical fits in
by Mark Hughes
As jobbing surgeons working in the NHS, the founders of eoSurgical are entirely familiar with the impact of financial constraints on healthcare ...
Patient safety and surgery
by Mark Hughes
Last week, the WHO marked World Patient Safety Day. At its core, healthcare is singularly motivated by a desire to improve patient health and wellb...
Safer surgery – technical skills are just one part of the puzzle
by Mark Hughes
In March of 1977, one of the world’s deadliest aviation accidents occurred when two 747 jumbo jets collided on the runway in Tenerife. Whilst a num...